47% of Greenhouse gasses emitted in Peru and 19% of those emitted in Latin America come from deforestation. Between 2010 and 2020, 2.7 million hectares of forest were lost yearly the region. Meanwhile, rural communities - who own a large amount of these forests - live under the poverty line and without access to their forests’ great value.
Pachamama is a peruvian company - founded by Victor Vera - that promotes sustainable development of forests, working hand in hand with the communities surrounding them to build high value chains that connect them with global markets. To date, we work in partnership with 4 rural communities that manage more than 70 thousand hectares. Pachamama helps communities recognize the value of their forests by generating sustainable, complementary and fair job opportunities for them, thus reducing the incentives for deforestation.
Some results to this day:
300 hectáreas de bosques manejadas
44 tons of Palo Santo exported
Clients in 8 countries
$65k income generated for the communities
Updated on September 2022